Beachcombers Hotel i Villa

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Villa Beach, Villa, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-458-4283
Latitude: 13.135152, Longitude: -61.202171
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Kommentar 5

  • Dominic Newman

    Dominic Newman


    Make sure to go between 17:30 and 18:30 for some 2 for 1 drink deals.

  • Kya Jisun Jung

    Kya Jisun Jung


    Love this place. The staffs at restaurant are very kind and they offer reasonable price for excellent food!

  • David Wilkinson

    David Wilkinson


    My colleagues and I had a wonderful time at Beachcombers while on a business trip. The hotel is very clean and well maintained and the food is good. I can't say enough about the staff who were uniformly wonderful. Special thanks to Marva and Steve for taking such good care of us.

  • Kristen Wiker

    Kristen Wiker


    Beautiful place. The view is amazing with the boats and the small island. If you are looking for a place to find your quiet time this is it. They even have their own spa. Very nice for a relaxation getaway!

  • Jefferson CLARKE

    Jefferson CLARKE


    This is the home away from home you craved for. My room was perfectly sized and did not have that hotel feel about it. All amenities including a safe, mini refrigerator and iron with a built-in ironing board were included. There are lots of stairs so logging my suitcase around tested my fitness. I'm not complaining though. Hey, the dining room overlooking the infinity pool with the beach in the near distance is a view to die for. Brilliant! My two minor complaints are about the paltry hot water in the shower and those pesky ants that got to my cheesecake should be terminated.

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