Floranium Services, Flower Shop i Kingstown

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Egmont Street, Box 2620, Kingstown VC0100, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-456-1029
Hjemmeside: www.floraniumservices.com
Latitude: 13.1536146, Longitude: -61.2243174
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Kommentar 1

  • Zain Ali

    Zain Ali


    If you want to NOT receive your flowers for your special occasion, want to repeatedly call the company to find out where your flowers are and why they have not been delivered, and Ruin your special day,...go to Floranium Services Ltd. in Kingstown for your flowers! Despite giving the company a week notice, paying in advance, and waiting FIVE hours past the scheduled delivery time, the company failed to deliver almost 200EC worth of Roses(mind you, they are overpriced). A lack of dedication to their customers was also observed as they would not answer their calls for any updates...and when they did, they promised the delivery at a certain time...but failed to deliver at all. I do not recommend Floranium Services Ltd. Don't take a risk on your special day, go elsewhere for your Flowers.

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