Flow Wine Bar and Kitchen i Kingstown

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James Street, Kingstown, VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-457-0809
Hjemmeside: www.flowwinebar.com
Latitude: 13.152314, Longitude: -61.2231136
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Kommentar 5

  • dr András Horváth

    dr András Horváth


    Some nice and interesting ingredients and meals I could not find elsewhere on the island. Good interior and ambience, friendly staff, easy to find location.

  • Annisha Bell

    Annisha Bell


    This place is uber classy. You can choose to sit on the black leather couches, at the bar, or at a table. The wine selection is pretty great. I wish they wouldn't skimp you with their pouring. I didn't get a chance to try the food, but it looked delicious as it was coming out. The customer service was lack luster, but then again that's expected in the Caribbean.

  • Drea Crick

    Drea Crick


    Great ambiance and excellent food. The staff is knowledgeable and professional. One of my favourite places!!!

  • Christal Oliver

    Christal Oliver


    Food is always good, tastes the same every single time. Their wine selection is pretty varied, compared to other businesses, and I love their cheese straws! Prices are not too expensive, but for the ambiance and quality of food and service, it's reasonable. It's good for casual business meetings and the environment allows me to relax and work even though I might be alone. Take away is offered and they accept Credit and Debit Cards. It's one of my places to go to because it's not loud and neither is it ever crowded. Most conducive restaurant/bar to productivity for me.

  • M Henry

    M Henry


    Atmosphere is great. Always has good music. Overall, it's a great place to chill and enjoy a drink with friends. The only wine bar in St.Vincent.

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