Subway i Kingstown

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Grenville Street, Kingstown, VC Saint Vincent i Grenadyny
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-456-8900
Latitude: 13.1565801, Longitude: -61.2277052
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Kommentar 5

  • John Jacobs

    John Jacobs


    Good food and good service.

  • John Jacobs

    John Jacobs


    Goof food service on morning abit slow.

  • Nauti Zoned

    Nauti Zoned


    Meat ball marinara was delightful......had it with extra ham and extra cheese......

  • Azizi Cupid

    Azizi Cupid


    There's no parking, but the facility is clean and the staff is helpful. They take care making your food and are accommodating. I was just there a few days ago for a quick visit to St Vincent and I are there twice.

  • Jay Gumbs

    Jay Gumbs


    The subs are good but they need to do something about the ventilation. The smoke or fumes from the kitchen would get into the dining area and it sometimes burns your eyes. I noticed this a while back when I visited but a friend mentioned on a more recent visit so I was kinda glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this but at the same time I hope they can find a solution because Subway is OK food. Still 4 stars.

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