Subway i Kingstown

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Halifax Street, Kingstown, VC San Vicente y las Granadinas
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-456-8900
Latitude: 13.1523219, Longitude: -61.2230973
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Kommentar 5

  • shannie Sayers

    shannie Sayers


    Subway is one of or the only place where you get what they advertise. Subway is actually really good. It's one of my favorite places to eat. It's always clean, the food a fresh, the people are nice and the customer service is great. I would definitely suggest subway as a most have. You won't regret it.

  • Toyin Olivia Jibowu

    Toyin Olivia Jibowu


    Not the same menu as in canada. The menu is bland and basic.

  • Ron Clarke

    Ron Clarke


    Good. Friendly and helpful workers

  • Kingpin Lewis

    Kingpin Lewis


    Great service, staff is very compliant and friendly

  • Lydia Taiwo

    Lydia Taiwo


    This sandwich location is bigger and allows for a bigger crowd. This location is my favorite place. Fresh subs and good service also.

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