Sugar Reef Bequia i Grenadines

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Belmont Road, Grenadines, VC San Vicente y las Granadinas
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-458-3400
Latitude: 13.0257151, Longitude: -61.2185669
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Kommentar 5

  • Nate Strickland

    Nate Strickland


    Every time I go to Sugar Reef I have a good experience. The food and service is amazing!

  • Roy Charles

    Roy Charles


    We had the best lunches so far on our trip, over two weeks in. The rum punches were delicious. The coconut crusted chicken salad was delicious and the couvalli foccacia was excellent. The service was good and the view was spectacular.

  • Hannah G

    Hannah G


    Great food. Great staff.

  • ryon swing

    ryon swing


    The French House is absolutely AMAZING!!! And Judith was extremely outgoing and super sweet. Love the views!!!! I would rate this place 5 stars all day but I have to only give it 4 stars because there is no air conditioning in the rooms. With that being said, I think the breeze more than makes up for it and I would definitely recommend looking into this place!

  • Nico Cortlever

    Nico Cortlever


    Een verademing na al die matige restaurants aan de haven. Het is de moeite waard om er heen te lopen 30 min. Of een taxi te nemen 20 EC$. Een zeer beperkte kaart met locale gerechten zoals je ze nergens vind met autentieke smaken en geserveerd in een prachtige idillische omgeving. Een must voort elke Bekwee-ganger

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