Ben's Auto Rental i Arnos Vale

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Windward Highway, Arnos Vale, VC Saint Vincent i Grenadyny
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-456-2907
Latitude: 13.1418324, Longitude: -61.2078542
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Kommentar 5

  • Leslie Charles

    Leslie Charles


  • Kathy-ann Peters

    Kathy-ann Peters


    The Best Rental Service in St.Vincent in Dec 2017- Jan 2018. I will recommend it to everyone very professional Services.

  • Daryl Kydd

    Daryl Kydd


  • Dr Frank

    Dr Frank


    I’ve had the privilege of renting from Ben’s Auto Rental in August and September 2017, and was very impress with the Vehicles, Clean interior and Exterior great fresh scent throughout the Vehicle and it runs great. However the young lady I dealt with at the Airport was not very Professional and lack the knowledge and experience needed to do her job. I did NOT understand her most of the time. When I arrived at the Counter it took her 3-4 minutes to realize I was there, she was on the Cell Phone and by the look on her face it was not a Professional call. I suggest training in Customer Service a priority.

  • Zolan Cyrus

    Zolan Cyrus


    A proper service with quality vechiles 🙋

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