C.K. Greaves i Kingstown

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Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-457-1074
Hjemmeside: www.ckgreaves.com
Latitude: 13.1517887, Longitude: -61.2233711
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Kommentar 5

  • Catherine Wama

    Catherine Wama


    Its very fully stocked and has helpful workers

  • Ras vardo simmons

    Ras vardo simmons


    Great place to shop. A wide variety of products at affordable prices.

  • shannie Sayers

    shannie Sayers


    Honestly if your shopping in St Vincent central Kingstown I would suggest hole heartedly that you shop at Ck Graves. Seriously the prices are way better, food quality... better. I mean with better prices and food there are gonna be a lot of customers but the tellers are there and the process of checking out is amazing honestly. Plus there are three different location and that doesn't include the hole sale. Let's talk about the hole sale; where you can get bundles of foods (e.g. ramen, box juice and snacks ect) at cheap prices. That also includes liquor by the way. Your welcome 😉 lool. No but seriously go to Graves.

  • Treldon John

    Treldon John


    Great product from your house need




    Easily accessible. They have three locations.it a great place to shop.

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