Firefly Hotel Mustique i Mustique

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Mustique, VC0410, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-488-8414
Latitude: 12.878454, Longitude: -61.1857693
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Kommentar 5

  • Mike Simpson

    Mike Simpson


    It's the dog's bollocks! A quaint English term for fabulous, unbeatable and dependable accommodation and hospitality. I've been visiting the island for over 15 years and I have never been disappointed by the warmth of my welcome, and totally enthralled by my time at the 'Fly'. Stan and Liz Clayton have established and maintain an inviting,exciting atmosphere. The setting is idyllic and every aspect of a stay at the Firefly underlines the perfect Caribbean holiday. The only place to stay and meet people on Mustique; and I have met some corkers! Anywhere else seems dull, grey and substandard compared to this gem. 2017 I know it's five years later, and I'm older (and wiser), but I can only reiterate the praise I outlined earlier. My wife and I were at the Firefly again this year. Nothing had changed. In other words it has remained the special place with the very special people taking care of your every need. On an island that can boast it has retained the essence of the Caribbean your day is a mixture of unspoiled beaches, idyllic scenery, exciting events and the comfort of knowing you can return after a 'hectic' day lying and dining (terrific picnics) in the sun, to the sublime atmosphere of the most precious place in the West Indies - the Firefly, Mustique. Mike

  • Gareth Harold

    Gareth Harold


    Utter bliss! This is an amazing hotel! Having visited mustique countless times over the last 15 years it is easily one of my favourite hotels on the planet. Relaxed, elegant, stunning views, great food and amazing staff, firefly mustique should be on everyone's travel itinerary. See you in November

  • Thea



    Great hotel , lovely location with a good restaurant serving really nice food . Definitely recommend :)

  • Mare McGregor

    Mare McGregor


    So the island of choice for the rich, famous and royalty, Firefly has the best views on the island by far due to its elevated position on the island, enjoy sundowners with a cocktail (or maybe a few!) and enjoy the stunning vista to the nearby islands. Perfect for large groups or be equally as content as a couple, chic decor and a soft vibe make this the best place to enjoy what Mustique has to offer. Try your hand at becoming a member of the legendary Firefly Martini club, you'll need a hearty appetite for Martini to gain that exclusive membership! Visit the Firefly, you never know who will be playing at their piano.

  • Richard Schaffer

    Richard Schaffer


    A great place to meet people and the barman Patrick makes the best drinks on the island

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