The Edge Apartment i Kingstown

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Level Garden, Kingstown, VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-451-2650
Latitude: 13.158424, Longitude: -61.225005
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Kommentar 5

  • Curtis Franklyn

    Curtis Franklyn


    Hate this place can't even turn on the ac and the room hot no ass🤔 can't even bring a friend this woman at the front desk watching people bad face she rude ass

  • nadine ross

    nadine ross


    Excellent location, in the middle of town, quiet! Great food excellent service and good wifi

  • cosmus crooke

    cosmus crooke


    My experience to say the least was horrible. I was booked into one of their bigger rooms with double beds. When I arrived at the hotel, there was no air condition ;Upon speaking to the supervisor, she advised me there was an addition charge for AC. I explained to her there was no mention of such charges when I initially enquired about the room. She was extremely unprofessional and rude, citing "it's not her problem." Additionally the wifi and cable was not working. One would not come to expect five star treatment for $60 US per night, however friendliness and professional staff should not be a luxury. The only positive aspect about the hotel is the convenience of being close to the capital. Needless to say I will not stay at this guest house again nor would I recommend to others.

  • Marlon King

    Marlon King


    It is safe place and thé staff are vert nice

  • Matt Bond

    Matt Bond


    Rooms look fairly neat. Main problem is that I paid for a room with a.c. but every time we left the room, someone came in and switched it off to save money for the hotel. We asked them to leave it on but they continued to switch it off when we stepped out making it a very uncomfortable stay. It took several hours to cool the room when we returned. Of course there is the constant sound of loud barking from the many stray dogs and constant rooster crowing but that is to be expected from this area. Look at several hotels when you visit this great country, make sure you get what your paying for.

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