Young Island Resort Restaurant i Arnos Vale

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Arnos Vale, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-458-4826
Latitude: 13.1333333, Longitude: -61.2
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Kommentar 5

  • Ted Huang

    Ted Huang


    We went to the restaurant for the dinner on August 5th, and they just kept adding the rules for the food after we ordered the food, some of us only ordered one main dish but some ordered two in the first time, however we went back to order another for people who ordered only one before, and they said that people can order only two kinds main dishes(after we ordered, they just keep telling us the rules that we don't even know about, and there is nobody explaining the rules to us, and they were keep adding and changing their rules), so we went back to order for our another option of the main dish, unfortunately they just kept saying that we had ordered two main dishes already(that's not truth) , I couldn't understand why they were keeping saying that and don't want to admit that they didn't even remember what we had ordered, we paid more than 50 us dollars for each person, however they could only give this kind of terrible service, they don't respect their customers and they see them like liars, why should we paid 50 us dollars for begging food like this bad situation, we just wanted to have a relaxing dinner with enough food and basic service, however we were very disappointed, we thought we would have had a wonderful experience but we didn't, we had a totally bad choice, it's not worth it, by the way, the service of Grenadines house is much more better than this one

  • Li



    The view and decorations are good, but for the supervisor of the restaurant is very terrible. She said we can just have two meat for each one. Anyway, if it's their rules i can accept, but four of us just order one, and when we want to order the other one, she refused and said we have already finished our two meat for everyone, that really provoked us....

  • 黃建皓



    Terrible services. I remember the first time I visited, the attitude of the supervisor of the restaurant was provoking. Although the food was great, bad services made me no appetite for anything. Not suggest to eat.

  • david fu

    david fu


    The restaurant service is very bad. The waiter vexatious and the quality of waiter are very low. This is the worst restaurant I met. NOT SUGGESTION.( I just have the dinner at there on Saturday night)

  • Jo-Anne Flax

    Jo-Anne Flax


    Lovely location. Good food which was surprisingly inexpensive.

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