French Verandah i Arnos Vale

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Villa Stretch, Arnos Vale, Saint Vincent i Grenadyny
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-453-1111
Latitude: 13.132082, Longitude: -61.199623
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Kommentar 5

  • Paul Leslie

    Paul Leslie


    Itc was Great service but the Caesar salad had iceberg lettuce.

  • Randy Allamand

    Randy Allamand


    Great place to stay right on the water! Lovely rooms with view to Young Island, nice clean pool to swim in, and bar & restaurant conveniently located on site.

  • Veronika Kiriuhin

    Veronika Kiriuhin


    I honestly expected more from a hotel restaurant. But their pizza was very bad, tasted like frozen pizza with craft cheese. Never mind it was pricey.

  • Jemalie John

    Jemalie John


    Pretty good food at an affordable price... The view though is priceless 👌

  • Anna Lowman

    Anna Lowman


    It's a relaxing place and the food was well done I must say. However , when I was finished with my meal , I asked the waiter to bring me the bill. She came back and told me that the ladies on the inside said that I should just pass in and pay my bill when I was leaving. It seems to me that they lose respect for someone in college clothes. A family had their meal and their bill was served to them not too long before I asked for my bill. I didn't appreciate the fact that they didnt have the same respect for me.

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