Massy Stores i Kingstown

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Stoney Ground Road, Kingstown, VC Saint Vincent i Grenadyny
Kontakter telefon: +1 784-453-9112
Latitude: 13.1601327, Longitude: -61.2293518
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Kommentar 5

  • Felisha p

    Felisha p


    Young cashiers has no manners besides that good supermarket

  • Nicola Cummings

    Nicola Cummings


    The staff are always helpful. Even if they're busy they stop to render assistance. The cashiers and bag handlers 98% of the time say thanks and wish u a pleasant rest of the day. Superb service.

  • Tonya Spring

    Tonya Spring


    Spacious,accessible and home to a wide variety of items excelent costumer service

  • Jay Gumbs

    Jay Gumbs


    This is one of my favorite supermarkets to shop at. Affordable and has everything not to mention you get points if you have a store card which you can redeem for free groceries. Clean environment, friendly and helpful staff. 5 stars.

  • Kimesha Pitt

    Kimesha Pitt


    A great and consistent shopping experience thought out all the Massy stores SVG.

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